Big free update in the works!

Hi! Hope you all have been good. I've been kind of taking a break for the past few weeks, finishing a game is nuts. But now I'm back! And good news:  Fossil Corner is getting a big free update!


  • A new type of fossil! 🐚❓
  • More story emails / a new mechanic that lets you know when you've reached the end of the story✍
  •  New unlockables and items 🎶🎵 (including some new music from Dylan & Bobby!)
  • And more!

The update will take a while, because it's pretty big! I'd expect it to be ready in early Fall. I'll post about it on my Twitter if you want to see it while it's WIP.

Anyways, thanks to everyone who's played the game / said nice things :) the response to this game has been truly nuts.

- Brady

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